Are you selling or renting property?

Entrust us with this task. As experts in the field of real estate and the property market, we can advise you regarding the market value of your property. We can inform you about the costs that amass during the sale of property as well as other obligations. We will find you a suitable buyer and ensure a secure transfer of ownership.

Please send us your contact information and we will arrange an informative meeting. Simple and safe until a successful realization of a transaction.

Ads for known buyers

Podravska, Ptuj

House / Detached, Detached

Size: 90 m2 - 125 m2Year of construction: 1990 New Construction, Renovated, Newer Construction

Za znanega kupca iščemo samostojno, manjšo, novejšo hišo na Ptuju ter bližnji okolici.


Pokličite na 031 310 803 in dogovorili se bomo za ogled.

Podravska, Ptuj

Apartment / 1-bedroom, 1.5-room (1S+DB), 2-bedroom

Size: 45 m2 - 50 m2Floor: Ground Floor/2 Balcony

Za znanega kupca iščemo manjše stanovanje na Ptuju.

Zaželjena je nižja etaža, od III. nad. naprej samo v primeru, da ima blok dvigalo.

Prav tako je zaželjen balkon.

Pokličite na 031 310 803 in se bomo dogovorili za ogled.